Dr. Chanel Smythe, MSc, R.TCMP, R.Ac, ND

Naturopathic Doctor, Registered Acupuncturist & Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Dr. Smythe is here to help you connect the dots with your health concerns and uncover the root cause of disease. Treatment approaches are individually tailored and may include; diet and lifestyle modifications, acupuncture, botanical medicine (Western and Chinese approaches), orthomolecular medicine, intravenous and intramuscular nutrient injections, regenerative or pain management injections such as prolotherapy and neural therapy, lab testing and pharmaceutical prescriptions.


“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

  • University of Victoria/Bastyr University - Masters of Science
    Bastyr University - Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
    Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine - Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

  • Astrology - Love it. Hahaha. Obviously ANYTHING health related.

  • Darkside. Always. (Blackcomb ;)).

  • Fatigue and burnout, pain/injuries/sports medicine, concussion.